Saturday, July 18, 2009

20 lbs of sour cherries

Yes I bought twenty pounds of sour cherries today. These are the best cherries ever for pie, cobbler, and just about any other baked cherry food that you can imagine. The only catch is that here in Ohio, they are only available at fruit markets for three to five days a year. The local fruit stores actually take reservations for buckets of this tasty fruit and without a reservation you may just be stuck using processed canned cherries from the grocery store. I know because last year I didn't reserve any because I thought I still had a container in the freezer. Turned out that I had strawberries ( that are plentiful here)in the freezer so I went a whole year without home made cherry pie . I did break down once or twice and bought canned cherry pie filling from the store but it just wasn't the same. I vowed that I would not let my opportunity pass this year and reserved 20lbs, which I picked up today. I froze two eight cup containers without doing anything to them and then made the rest (26 cups) into pie filling. I was surprised at how little 20 lbs actually was. This is why I am considering going back tomorrow or Monday and seeing if I can get another 10 lbs.Once all orders have been picked up, anything left can be bought by anyone and I did hear today that they did get a surplus in. Obsessed ? maybe but if you have ever had these awesome home made pies and cobbler you would understand.