Monday, March 30, 2009

What a weekend

This past weekend was a busy one for us. First on Wednesday we were informed of a last minute Karate training for the boys Saturday afternoon. It was important that we be there as Michael had to pretest for permission from our region to test for his second black belt.Robby also had a chance to test for a half belt,which is what is usually done for children. He did achieve this 1/2 belt and will hopefully test for the next half (a purple belt) in June. Luckily this training was close to home as Mike had an eye doctor appointment which we expected to end with him having a sty removed. Well as Murphy's law would have it...... There was a glitch at the eye doctor's( whomever scheduled him scheduled for a yearly eye exam instead of medical exam )and well they almost sent us home but thanks to my unleashing a tiny bit of my pent up anger.... They decided that they could probably fit him in. Anyway, as we were "fit in" we were last to be called . So I had to leave Mike and get the boys to karate.Unfortunately when I got back, the doors were locked as they were officially closed and the reception workers had already left. I called Mike and the doctor sent his assistant to come and get me as he finished the exam. I thought this was odd but when I got to the room he announced that Mike needed surgery. Not sty removal but cataract removal. I guess that Mike had some kind of eye surgery back before we met and it left massive scar tissue, which I guess has been an issue since the surgery. Anyway the body's defense to this is to form a cataract for it's own protection, which it did. Soooooo I found myself setting next to Mike in a cold dimly lit exam room as we were told the risks and benefits. It was like a bad dream come to life. Well it all ended as we left through the back door ( the alarms were set in front) and we headed to the karate event where we spent another couple hours. After the event we headed home, changed clothes and headed to Saturday evening Mass.This pretty much rounded out our Saturday and the next thing we knew it was Sunday. Sunday started with Passion practice ( our parish does a dramatization of the Passion every palm Sunday) After practice I came home cooked dinner,ate, and caught a forty five minute nap before time to go back to church for the mission which featured Sara Hart( mission it was home and to bed. Yes it was quite a weekend, and yes it was a typical Lenten weekend and no it doesn't look like it will be letting up until Easter weekend, but when I actually look at things isn't it all appropriate ?