Since our family's vacation cruise has been booked for awhile now I have been looking for good deals on the flight to get there,hotels to stay in the night before and after the cruise, a car rental to get where we need to be , and so on. The problem is that the airline that I really like to use has not yet posted flights this far in advance . There is an OK deal on another airline but I really am hoping for a better deal or at least an equal deal on my preferred airline.This may prove to be a bad move as once posted the price may not compare and by then the sale on the other may be gone and Oh what to do ?
Not only is this holding me back but did I mention that I can't book the hotels, car rentals, or even dog boarding until the flight times are confirmed. So here I sit and debate. If I book now and miss a better deal with an airline that I would much rather book with, Of course I will wish that I had waited but the same can come around to bite me the other way. Oh eenie meanie minie mo....... what to do i just don't know !