Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Downs and ups

Against my own wishes I did not hibernate through my 40th Birthday yesterday. Mike took the day off work and we did get his passport applied for,even though the rules changed from what the person who took mine and the kids three days before told us to what the man who did Mike's said. Due to this minor glitch, Mike's may get sent back but if it does we will deal with that then. As for now,there are other things to worry about. I have misplaced some important papers that I have looked everywhere for but they seem nowhere to be found.This along with other irritating things were just not good on a milestone birthday that I hated to see come anyway. Oh well I guess that that which didn't kill me only made me stronger. Too bad it didn't help the memory get stronger so that I could locate the lost. Oh well ,in ten years I will look back on this day and laugh. No wait..... OK yes I will laugh then cry because if forty was this painful,I don't think that I can survive fifty........ OK neurotic I may be becoming..... Please pray that I locate the papers and well perhaps a prayer for my ability to find my brain too... God Bless you all !