Wednesday, June 6, 2007

4th Grade Graduation

Robby will graduate from the fourth grade today. Though he's only one third of the way through school, It amazes me how far he has come since that warm August day almost eleven years ago when he was born six weeks premature. I remember him being whisked off to NICU after only having a minute to see his beautiful face. I remember so vividly that though the doctors did not know what exactly was wrong, how they doubted that he would live . I remember fighting to bring him home because I knew that if left in the hospital he would not survive. I remember waking every hour through the first nights just to make sure he was still breathing. I remember praying as I fed him that he would be able to keep just enough nourishment down to keep him alive. I remember going from specialist to specialist, hospital to hospital, lab to lab, just hoping and praying that someone would give us an answer. Finally I remember when doctors had given up and I went with my gut feelings that God provided me . I remember going against all doctors advice and started feeding Robby solid baby foods and juice at less than one month old. Sure enough God led me to the solution. I remember the looks on the doctors faces as Robby started to gain weight. I truly remember .
Amazing that this boy who doctors gave up on will graduate fourth grade today. Not only will he graduate but he will do it with honors. In addition to his diploma, Robert Michael will receive an award for not only having a 4.0 GPA in fourth grade, but a 4.0 GPA all through his school years. Robby was also recognized a couple weeks back for scoring a PHS ( Past high school level) on his achievement tests.
Robby, not only are you blessed but you are surely a blessing. May God always care for you as he has in the past. You are sure to do great things with your life !