Unfortunately, schedule conflicts prevented us from giving Mike's mom her gift yesterday but I hope to get it to her soon and hopefully can get a picture of her to post too.
Also, on this Mother's day, I would like to wish some great people a Happy Mother's Day. One is my best Friend in High School, Lisa's, Mother. Thank you for all the times that you treated me as your own daughter and took me on many trips to Cedar Point, to concerts , and everywhere else.Thank you also for all the times that you welcomed me into your home to just hang out.. including those New Years eve parties, where you were sure to hug and kiss me on the cheek like you did your own children at midnight. I always felt loved there and for this and so many other things I Thank you.
To all those wonderful people that I have met at Support group( for those who have experienced the death of a child) and for Other Dear friends and every other Mother who's precious children now live with Jesus, Happy Mother's Day.
For all Mother's everywhere, Happy Mother's Day !