Monday, May 21, 2007

Mom Perks

Why is it that we Mom's hate to see food wasted ? Even when it means eating what is left after your toddler has eaten all of the good parts. Thankfully my kids are beyond this age and I have not finished a slobbery piece of pizza with all the cheese gone in many years. However, even though my kids now only put on their plates what they eat, I am still eating things to avoid waste. For instance, this morning after Mike and the kids ate their freshly made omelets and were off to work and school I was feeling a bit hungry. I opened the fridge door and there were multiple Tupperware containers with left overs from dinners past. Unfortunately there is never left over steak, taco meat, grilled chicken, or anything else that I would feel lucky to have for breakfast, but today I was stared in the face by a couple tablespoons of cheesy scalloped potatoes, left over mashed potatoes, a tiny amount of nacho cheese, and a few other things that really didn't look appetizing. Hmmmmm I pondered for a second then I pulled out the scalloped potatoes and put them in the microwave. A little later in the day I was hungry again. I returned to the fridge where I debated. I could heat up a Pizza pocket from the freezer, after all ,all that was left over were mashed potatoes , nacho cheese and not much else. I knew what I had to do I mixed the two and ate lunch. I know that even though I feel a little nauseous and that all these carbs will add to my weight problem I am a better person for not letting good food go to waste.