Saturday, November 7, 2009

Score !

Last night as Mike and I were on our way home from dinner, We were at a stop light in front of Shoe Carnival when I realized that we are at the beginning of Basketball season so that it would be the best time of the year to find Nike size 15 high tops , which Mike wears all year long but are really tough to find anywhere when we need them most. This prompted me to ask Mike to stop and see if we had any luck. Once there we found out that they were having a buy one get one 1/2 off sale which was great but surely if they had one pair they certainly wouldn't have two. As we made our way to the huge feet section, I spotted a pair. I was thrilled ! I continued to look for a second pair with no luck and headed to the counter , happy to have one pair. The manager happened to be at the counter and reminded me of their sale to which I replied, if you can get me a second pair of these in this size I would love to buy them too. Turned out that the Boardman store did not have any more ( big surprise!) but the Niles store did.Wow two pair within a 1/2 an hour radius cool ! Niles said they would hold them for us and we were on our way. Now , for the first time in our married lives, Mike has two new pair of shoes and his old ones are still in good shape. ( we bought them while on vacation in July but he just took them out of the box in late August) This is definetly one for the plus column !