Thursday, April 16, 2009
Back at the end of October we started looking for new living room furniture. For a while before then we still clung to the thought that lazy Boy furniture would last a lifetime, even in a house like ours where we, as well as our kids ( furry ones too ) use furniture.Anyway , it was time and we knew it so the search was on. We unfortunately encountered a few problems along the way . First off and probably the biggest was that Mike and I had different ideas of what we wanted. I fell in love with the Lazy boys with heat and massage units ( come on what girl wouldn't )these reclining pieces also come with a flip down table if you will , complete with cup holders and a storage bin. Oh my dream furniture had been found. Of course Mike was gentle with not crushing my joy too much. As is Mike's way, he just kind of withheld enthusiasm until I asked; Don't you love it ? Then he said those dreaded words that meant Move on Diane he said it was OK. I couldn't believe my ears ! Was he seeing OK? How could he not love this ? I almost cried ! Later he explained that he felt that the massage unit would not hold up since they were so adamant to point out that there was no optional insurance coverage that would cover it more than thirty days. ( He was right ) Then he asked what I thought that the kids would have the " flip down table" looking like in a week or two with spilled pop and juice ( even though they know that there would be no drinking allowed) and how many candy wrappers could be stowed in the storage bin ( is this man psychic ? )OK yes he was right but....... Finally he had me set on the couch, table down and told me to get up.I did and his third point was proven. With the table down, one tends to push off of it when getting up. And since the table thingy is made of thin board tacked together with small nails( probably big staples ) it would be very susceptible to breaking. Again Mike was right. We moved on. Our next hurdle was finding upholstery other than micro fiber, which I didn't care for. Well that one was almost impossible to clear , so we gave up because we found a deal that a bargain hunter like me couldn't pass up. Now I gave up the love seat reclining but the couch still does and I accepted micro fiber ( only in a darker color than most companies were offering) but I saved over $600, soooooooooo it will be delivered this afternoon. It will be so nice to have, especially after it taking four of us ( and Robby to open and close the door) to take the old couch to the curb for the trash men last night. The thing was so heavy that the trash men were grumbling this morning as it took both of the men on the truck to roll It to the truck. Oh well........ None of that matters now because in a couple hours...... I will have new furniture !!!!!!!!!