One of the biggest problems that I struggle with is keeping track of time. After careful thought,I think that my main problem is overloading the families( or allowing other family members to do the same) schedule. Back in September for instance we decided to attend the ISKF nationals in LA California. At the time this seemed like a great idea and I had two months to get ready so why not ? Well as before stated I didn't see the date creeping up on us and was scrambling at the last minute. This seems to be a pattern for me. I look at the calendar when asked to do something weeks or months ahead of time and it all looks good. I agree and write the event on the calendar vowing that I will remain mindful of things well in advance. Sometimes I do remain mindful but some prep just has to be done last minute. After all, what if I go to the church dinner where I have agreed to bring my famous red velvet cake.( OK patting myself on the back hurts my neck anyway.... but hey I do get a lot of requests for it )Now seriously, if I baked this cake a week before the event, even if I froze it, It would not be as good as fresh and I would probably be asked to bring salad next time. The problem arises when I know I have something on the calendar but get an offer for the day before ,that I really don't want to miss, so I accept the day before too. This has happened recently. Our family Christmas party had been scheduled since last year. Actually it is always the first Sunday in December so you can say that it was scheduled way before my birth. I don't ever remember missing this annual party and would not even think of missing this year even though it is the first since My Grandmother and uncles deaths in March and August. Anyway, Mike and I got an offer from some friends from Church to accompany them to Pittsburgh on the day before for Christmas shopping and dinner. Not having any sisters I have always dreamed of being part of a group that goes shopping, especially Christmas shopping together. I am not really a shopping person but just the friendly company has always had me in awe. A few years back I did Christmas shop with my Mother in Law which was a good time also , so when the invitation was issued, I wanted to go. Another great thing was that Mike was also invited and the men are going to visit some sports museum (is that what they call bars now :-) while the women hit the mall, then we are going to join up and walk through the downtown area to take in the Christmas sights followed by a nice dinner before going home. Now who could resist such a Christmas treat ? Not I , so I accepted even though the Monday after this and the family party Mike and I are hosting our Thirty forty something Church group's Christmas party. Yes I will be rushed but oh think of the fun ! Anyway, my whole December is filling up like this and I am trying to get a jump on things so that we can enjoy it all. In doing this, however I somehow forgot Thanksgiving was so close. Luckily my Mom cooks on Thanksgiving and I take Christmas so all I need is a hostess gift and a dessert to take and the pumpkin cheesecake in the freezer ( even though not home made) fits the bill. As for the Hostess gift, I have some errands to run today anyway so no problem. If I can just keep it all in order everything will go fine !
Happy Thanksgiving to all ! And further may the start of Advent bring peace and fun to all !