Thursday, October 30, 2008

Hard work and dedication

Back in September, Mike and I purchased a membership to the gym where the boys karate school now resides. We had an option as with the merging of our son's school with the existing one at the club ,karate was no longer included with a general gym membership ( as in the past before the boys went there) but now was thirty dollars extra a month as opposed to the sixty per month for non members. From the get go, we were given multiple discounts for having more than one child enrolled and one being a black belt so we really had a pretty good deal from the merge.Since we were originally promised that we , the parents of minor students, could use the facility during karate hours, for no additional charge other than their tuition, we didn't plan on joining but our deal was rescinded ( another story that will probably never be written without my using bad words :-) so we did join. Because of this Mike and I usually spend the karate hour at least once a week in the pool , hot tub, or steam room. With the exception of a couple times when kids with parents who don't feel the need to teach them to stay out of other's swimming lanes ( yes even when they are at the other end )we usually enjoy ourselves. Usually the pool area is kind of dead at this hour when we go but we have on occasion had conversations with others ( who are not too busy on their cell phones to say Hi or even watch their little brats,ummm I mean kids.) Anyway, a few weeks ago there was a man, and a woman with their son. The man wasn't very friendly but his wife told us how they just joined to put their very overweight son into karate in the hopes that he would get some exercise and loose some weight. The woman was delighted to hear that we could give her some positive feedback about karate ,especially since Michael has been in ShotoKan for ten years now. We talked for awhile of the benefits of a good breathing techniques and how Robby hasn't been in the hospital, for inability to breathe since he started karate. I also mentioned the boost in coordination, not to mention self image for both boys. It was then that the lady asked a question that floored me." Is it fun? My response was that yes my boys had fun with it and loved it. The lady then went on to say that life has too many pressures for children and that they need to have fun time. Hmmmm I thought, does she think that this is a play group ? Does she and her child realize that he will have to practice ? Do they realize that muscles can get sore,especially for a child who is severely overweight and out of shape, as he trains? Now far be it for me to criticize anyone who is overweight as I am as obese as they come, OK they do come bigger but I am by no means NOT seriously overweight myself. But I wonder, how does an eight year old ( I believe that she said he was eight ) get to be so large ? Is it too much fun while setting down playing video games and eating Twinkies ? Honestly, lack of exercise and excessive chocolate is my main reason.
The week after our conversation, true to the Mom's words the child joined. When I asked the boys how he was doing( Michael teaches basics to newcomers a portion of every class and friendly Robby always offers assistance where he can )I was told that he was doing OK but as I knew ,it is tougher for a heavy person. Mike and I also found the opportunity last night to watch the end of class after leaving the pool before I took it upon myself to discipline some children while their father sat in his designer sweat suite bragging about his expensive vacation to someone on his phone. While watching the class I noticed quite a few new students. Many were being watched by parents who were obviously wealthy ( something quite common in this area)One woman looked at me as I walked up to watch the class, and snorted as her nose went up in the air and she walked fifteen feet from me. I guess that the shower that I just took in the locker room didn't make me smell as good as she would have liked.
Anyway class ended and out came the instructor of the school before the merge, who has basically turned all teaching over to Michael & Robby's instructor but remains the PR of the school. He promptly went to these student's parents and told them how great their children were doing ( His age must be affecting his eye sight.... enough said ) Then he came to Mike and I . Michael is really good, he said. We nodded and said thank you. Really, he went on, he does Black belt Kata with us and he does well. Gee, I thought of course he does he earned his black belt when he was twelve by being tested by the vary man who brought Shoto Kan karate from Japan to the US, breaking the record of the youngest U.S. ISKF member to ever earn a black belt. Yes I would say his skills are fair. Anyway we take the PR crap to keep us paying for what it is, just crap to keep us paying. Anyway most people left as Michael spared with his main sensei as they had been doing in preparation for the up and coming National competition. As I watched them spar and Michael actually make the sensei , who is three ranks ahead of him , struggle my mind wandered. How many of these new students will make it to where Michael is ? OK how many will even earn a black belt ? Furthermore, how many will last the year ? How long can they believe that their kids are doing great when some can't even handle their right from left ? How many will get upset when their child, who is wanting nothing more than fun, doesn't advance in the ranks as fast as someone who puts in nightly effort? How many will bail when the pressure of a test to advance comes along ? How many will realize that training hurts, especially when someone is at least one hundred pounds overweight and not used to using most of their muscles ?
As in life itself, everything worth achieving requires dedication and hard work. Would my marriage be as good as it is if I was just in it for fun ? Would my kids have manners( well most of the time anyway ) If I didn't dedicate myself to teaching them ? Does not everything good require some amount of hard work and dedication ? Will our relationship with God be the same if we only pray when it is convenient? I think not. If anything is worth it's benefits,we must work hard and dedicate ourselves.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Cold weather foods

While I slept last night, the mercury dipped below freezing. This little dip caused the rain to turn to a few wet snow flakes flying around. Though the ground was too warm for any accumulation, a few wet flakes were found on the cars windshield this morning at three AM when I got up. Though the sun came out a few hours later and warmed things up to hoodie with no jacket weather,I still felt the need to go grocery shopping in preparation of cold weather cooking. I had already made a pot of Chile last week but it seemed to disappear before I even got a second bowl. A couple to go bowls were later found in the fridge but found their way into lunch boxes the next day. So the first ingredients on my shopping list were those needed to make another pot. I also added everything needed to make beef stew, beef stroganoff, black bean and rice soup,chicken dumpling soup, and other cold weather favorites. Unfortunately I took too long grocery shopping and didn't have time to fix any of these for tonight's dinner. That is OK though, as I ended up making baked chicken with baked potatoes and corn. Now as many of you know, I still do a lot of winter grilling of meats and have no problem brushing eight or ten inches of snow off of the grill before lighting it. But we have been eating grilled meats all summer long and it has been so long since the weather has permitted a piping hot bowl of soup. Well except for chicken soup ( noodle, rice, or wedding)that has been made several times this summer when someone had a cold or when Cindy had her wisdom teeth out, or times like that. No, I am not at all happy about the cold weather coming but for right now I will enjoy the cold weather foods that come with it !

Saturday, October 25, 2008

My love / hate relationship with Big Lots !

Yesterday I headed to Big lots to purchase a $35 Halloween costume, that I had seen on a previous visit, for Michael. Since Michael is fifteen , I did not originally plan to buy him a costume as, even though some don't realize it around here, fifteen is really too old to trick or treat. Last Sunday, however, Michael sprung on me that he was " Helping " with the children's Halloween party at church. Michael told me that he would buy his costume with Money that he has made through the summer working for his Grandparents ( Mowing lawns, painting, Helping cut down trees, stacking wood, assisting in car repairs, etc) but I wanted to see most of this money put in his bank account. Besides Michael wanted to spend ten to twenty dollars on some novelties and pair them with clothes that he ripped, cut , or otherwise destroyed himself. Since we don't have much room to keep old clothing that is in no shape to wear out in public, Michael really didn't have anything that I wouldn't care if he destroyed, so I made him a deal. I buy the costume and he puts the equivalent amount of money into his bank account. He agreed so i was on my way. Once at Big Lots, I realized that their reduced isle had gone from 70% off ( a real bargain any day ) to 90% off. Though I was pressed for time, I made time to look and buy almost $50 worth of stuff.Among this stuff was photo paper, laminating sheets, OTC Claritin,a back pack with wheels, and other finds. I did end up being late getting home but in the end it all worked out. A few hours later, however I unloaded my car and realized that I had no place to put half of the things that I bought. The night lights that i had bought for nieces and nephews for Christmas weren't the big deal as they will be going to the kids in just a couple months, but where I will put the wheelie back pack, that is too big to fit in Robby's locker at school, or the ten travel tubes of hair gel that was eight cents a tube,that will take us forever to use, or the packages of self laminating sheets. Yes I paid a mint for a couple packages of these a few months ago when I laminated my Grandmother's obituary, but when will I need these ones. Furthermore, where do I put them so that I can find them when I do need them ? In the past,Mike has hinted that it may not be a good idea to buy things, even at such deep discounts,if we don't need them and they will be lost, or worse yet ruined, by the time that we do need them. Of course that is Male logic for you ! As for me, I have to admit that I have an addiction to 9o% off sales but it is an addiction that I refuse to work on giving up. Of course let the record state that, as I search for the perfect spot to store five hundred dollars worth of stuff that I paid fifty for, I Hate Big Lots ! Oh that sounds so harsh.... I'm sorry Big Lots.... You know I love you !

Friday, October 24, 2008

I have a favor to ask, it will only take a minute.....

The Breast Cancer site is having trouble getting enough people to click on their site daily to meet their quota for sponsors to donate at least one free mammogram a day to an underprivileged woman. There is only eight days left, Let's get as many women as possible every day a free mammogram. It takes less than a minute to go to their site and click on 'donating a mammogram for free' (pink window in the middle).

This doesn't cost you a thing, nor does it send any money to anywhere which you may have reservations about donating. The sites corporate sponsors and advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate monograms in exchange for advertising.

Here's the web site! Can you spare a minute to click it ?

Monday, October 20, 2008

I guess I am addicted

Since I was a teenager, having a cold meant reaching for the box of Contac . Now I am not usually one to take medications of any kind but I can not stand to have my nose run. As a matter of fact I did better with the pain after my c sections than I do with a runny nose. Unfortunately, the cold that I am battling has come with the customary runny nose that has the potential to drive me mad. Because I have a feeling that my doctor , though a personal friend,will not even listen to the pros of putting me into a medically induced coma until my body naturally fights off this cold, which is usually only three or four days max for my super charged immune system, I once again reached for the box of Contac that was in the back of the medicine cupboard . As always I took two tablets and knew that within a few minutes my nose would dry up and I could once again go on. I waited the customary half hour , but my nose still ran. I waited an hour more, still nothing. Four hours later, when it was time for another dose, no change. I figured that maybe I had a bad box so I dug for another. I repeated the process with the same results. By this time I was crawling out of my skin.I found an old box of Tylenol sinus and took a dose. Finally I got some relief.Too bad that there were only a couple doses in the box because when I made a special trip to get more of the same, came home and took it, it didn't work either.Being the brilliant person that i am I read the box. The new Tylenol sinus and the Contac basically contained the same active ingredients. Neither contained psudoephedrine hydrochloride, which the older box of Tylenol sinus contained. As a matter of fact the Contac box and the new Tylenol sinus box both proudly declared in big letters on the front of the box, that it contained none.That must be the problem I thought as my nose ran like a leaky faucet.I headed to Wal Greens, where a friend of mine was working as a Pharmacy assistant. I spent almost an hour reading labels. Most had the "NO Psudoephedrine HCL" markings on the box and even those that didn't "brag" about leaving this out , didn't seem to have it listed in the ingredients. I called upon my friend Jan, to help.Jan looked at a couple boxes and then called the Pharmacist to listen to my pleas for this medicine which I knew would help me. My heart sunk as the Pharmacist told me that these drugs were no longer putting Psudoephedrine HCL, into their OTC medications because drug addicts were buying these drugs and using then to make Crystal meth. He assured me the the new ingredients worked just as well. They don't work just as well, I told him, They really don't ! After looking at me for a minute , as if to deceiver whether I intended to make meth or if I really wasn't getting relief from this new formula, my red runny nose convinced him to tell me that Wal Greens still used Psudoephedrine Hcl to make their Wal- Phed cold and sinus medication. He informed me that I could buy one box at the pharmacy ,without a prescription, if I had two forms of ID on me and was willing to sign that I was not going to make Meth. I agreed.The process of reading the "I will not make meth" paperwork, signing it, giving my two forms of ID to the assistant,( my friend who knows I am not a drug manufacturer)My information being entered into the computer, and so on took about a 1/2 an hour. Finally I paid and was on my way out with one box of Wal Phed and a paper cautioning me to not leave this medication where anyone could get it and stating the date when I could buy another.I got into my car ready to scream. However I calmed down, opened the package took a pill and within fifteen minutes The faucet was off and I could breathe. Oh the whole hassle was worth it ! I guess I am addicted, just not in the way that they are protecting against. Once I got home as suggested I hid my Wal -Phed, where only I can find it !

Sunday, October 19, 2008

13 years

Mike and I attended our thirteenth Heal ( Helping each other after loss)memorial service at St. Elizabeth's Hospital today. We were obviously invited to our first thirteen years and two months ago when we attended a support group meeting after our third child( second daughter) Caitlyn Lee, was delivered still born.There is a kind of funny story behind how we actually came to agree to attending any support group meeting let alone this one( St. Elizabeth's is not the hospital which I delivered Caitlyn ) but that is another story that I may share another day. Anyway, we did go and though we didn't attend many support group monthly sessions ( I quit going because I was pregnant with Robby, four months later, and was terrified that we would end up loosing him too (because hearing of everything that could and did happen ( to others)was not helping me keep the positive attitude and faith that my high risk pregnancy required. )We have since attended all but one yearly memorial service (the one following Robby's premature birth when he was too sick to take or leave with someone else)
I have made friends through this group and actually look forward to the yearly service when I can honor my baby who resides with Jesus. I have met some who's loss was long ago and some whose loss was very recent. I have met those who have gone on to have healthy children ,some who have experienced loss after loss,some who have adopted, and some who's lives have taken on different roles. Thirteen years ago if anyone would have told me that there would be positive things to come from the pain of losing a child, I would have never believed you.However, thirteen years later, I do see some positive. I would still give everything to have my baby ,Caitlyn, alive and well, but I have accepted God's will to take her home and though I look forward to seeing her again someday, I go on doing the best that I can in the roles that God has called me to.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Happy sweetest day!

Because I am battling a cold that just won't quit,I returned to bed this morning as soon as Mike left for work.Too bad that two short hours later I was awakened by what sounded like a knock at the door. I got up to check but seen no car in the drive so I went back to bed.A little over an hour later the door bell awakened me. I wasn't even in the mood, however Michael called up the stairs " Mom, two men with badges are at the door"I knew that Mike had called and was already at work and all three kids were home so i didn't go too deep into hysterics as I told Michael to open the door and tell them just a minute then let the dogs out back and I would be down to let them in. Michael hollered back that they left, but he proceeded to put the dogs out. I grabbed my robe and headed down. As I opened the door two Police men were at the neighbors. Hmmmm I thought as I seen the vote yes on the Police levy literature on the door knob. As I grabbed it and crumpled it in my hand getting angry that I was awoken for a political thing, when one police officer seen me and came over. "I see you found our literature" he said. Great, I thought ! He gave me another with an apology for waking me, followed by information on how badly we need this levy passed.It took all I had but I said that I would consider voting for the levy before shutting the door. Now it was too late to go back to bed as the boys would need to get ready for karate in an hour. They did and I took them, ran some errands, picked them up and ran a couple more errands . Finally I was home and Mike called to say he had just left work. He told me that he wanted to go out and asked if I wanted him to pick up fast food for the kids. I honestly didn't feel like going out but he was adamant so I agreed. We talked until he abruptly said that he had to go and that he would be home in a few minutes. As I hung up I wondered what was up. Did he get pulled over ? He seemed too cheerful for that to have been the case. Was his car acting up ? Again too cheerful. I wondered what was up. About fifteen minutes later, Mike was home. He had stopped for roses. Happy Sweetest Day, he said as he handed me the wrapped flowers. Awwwwww Sweetest day ! I had no idea ! He actually remembered and I didn't,wow that was a switch.That is also why he wanted to take me to dinner.Thankfully we decided to eat at a place that isn't very fancy ,though the food is always great, so jeans and a T shirt were perfect. We ate and headed home for my next dose of cold medicine. We then cuddled up and watched Sex and The City on DVD. Do I have the life or what ?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Something to think about !

Last night was Mike and My monthly Thirty fourty something meeting. The meeting was very unorganized but one of the better ones. About a 1/2 an hour into the meeting a conversation developed on Politics, which had a few of us who are fed up with the topic heading out to the host's deck. After a few minutes five of us Mothers were setting and talking about our children.One made the comment that, earlier that day she told her young daughter that "Life would be so much better for her if she just listened " She then went on to say "Then I realized, That is how God must feel about me " We talked humorously of how frustrated we get with our children breaking rules and how Frustrated God must be . In the end though we had fun with it, what a realization !

Monday, October 13, 2008

An emotional rollar coaster

Last Wednesday Mike and I had a meeting with the planning group for our Parish's Married couple's night out group. This group is a social group for married couples who meet three times a year to share a meal and good times with other married couples from the parish. As we waited for everyone to arrive and between planning many different topics were discussed. One such topic was the upcoming ladies annual retreat. I have personally never attended this retreat, nor will I this year because it just happens to be an all Saturday thing. Saturdays are just not good for me as Mike and Cindy both work and they boys have karate. Saturday is also the day that i seem to have fifty things on my must be done today list. Anyway, the topic was discussed. I was asked if I was going and even given a special invitation( two of the woman at my meeting are part of the core planning group for this retreat and the other two present were in on helping this year)I respectfully admitted that i just couldn't make it,and sat quietly as a couple things about the coming event were brought up. One topic was that Krispy Cream was providing morning Doughnuts and coffee. I guess that they had agreed to donate however, they would only give one flavor and not a variety. Of course donating in general is great but these woman talked about how in past years many woman complained about how they were not thrilled with the food served ( Doughnuts and coffee were served upon check in and a box lunch including a sandwich, potato chips, an apple,and a a big cookie was served with bottled water or a can of pop for lunch)It amazed me that people would complain as I would think that there reason for being there would be the retreat not the food anyway, but I was informed different.
As we talked about the no doughnut variety and the anticipated complaining, we drifted to where the best doughnuts can be bought. One place that was brought up was a place where a friend of my brother's father used to make the doughnuts, before his move to NY a year ago. This man also happens to be married to the sister of one of my best friends in high school, Doug. As we talked of these doughnuts I told a story of Doug and my High school graduation.
It was the day of My graduation party . Doug had told his brother in law weeks ago that he could not work the doughnut shop that day as he wanted to go with me to do some morning running around and then planned to attend my party. It was all set up until the one family who worked the shop besides the owner's family called to say that an emergency had come up and neither the Mother nor daughter of the family were able to work. The owner had been there all night making the doughnuts, so he could not stay all day to sell them too. His wife was not able to go in as their two small sons were not feeling well so she was at home with them, so this left Doug. He agreed to go in in the AM but asked for permission to close in time to go home shower and be at the party at three O'clock PM. Since it was a Saturday, the busiest of the week,and the cases were overflowing,the owner didn't want to loose money by the store being closed and the doughnuts not being sold and the next day they went to a dollar a dozen day old which would have provided a loss that the family could not afford. For this reason Doug was told not to close until all of the doughnuts were gone. Well there was a fight and Doug followed the orders not to leave until the doughnuts were gone but that didn't mean that he had to sell them, he thought. Doug boxed up the doughnuts and called me. I arrived and he stacked flats of doughnuts into my car. he then left with me. My party guests were thrilled at the fresh doughnuts at the party and many took a couple dozen home with them. Though the owner was mad at first he and Doug made up and found peace admitting that both were wrong and moved on. Doug did continue to baby sit without pay for his sister and brother in law as he had done many times so the cost of the given away doughnuts was also forgiven.
The day after the meeting I got a call from one of the ladies . She was upset because Krispy cream just called to say that they were closing ( Oh no say it isn't so )and would not be donating their doughnuts. No doughnuts would surely cause much complaining ! The question was could I ask this man I know if he would donate doughnuts ? I was speechless. First off Krispy cream closing was like a knife through my chest. There is of course Dunkin but I liked Krispy cream too. The second feeling was that there was no way, after what happened nineteen years ago, that I could ask this man for any donation , especially doughnuts. Thankfully I didn't have to because this man is now in New York.The whole story is so bitter sweet.I smiled as I thought of all of the doughnuts(This man made the best I have ever tasted) at my party but shed a tear or two of knowing that Krispy cream is closing. What a day !

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Flight to LA is booked

Sure enough I got a better deal than the one I had when my computer booted me a couple weeks ago . It was only a forty some dollar difference but I happily took it. Now we just have to get ready and go.As for now I must hurry and get the boys to Karate class. You can't win if you don't train, ya know !

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Carrots, Eggs, & Coffee! ( Thanks Mike)

A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up, She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved, a new one arose.

Her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Soon the pots came to boil.. In the first she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs, and in the last she placed ground coffee beans. She let them sit and boil; without saying a word.

In about twenty minutes she turned off the burners. She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl. Turning to her daughter, she asked, ' Tell me what you see.'

'Carrots, eggs, and coffee,' she replied.

Her mother brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did and noted that they were soft. The mother then asked the daughter to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard boiled egg.

Finally, the mother asked the daughter to sip the coffee. The daughter smiled as she tasted its rich aroma. The daughter then asked, 'What does it mean, mother?'

Her mother explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity: boiling water. Each reacted differently. The carrot went in strong, hard, and unrelenting. However, after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak. The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior, but after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened. The ground coffee beans were unique, however. After they were in the boiling water, they had changed the water.

'Which are you?' she asked her daughter. 'When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?

Think of this: Which am I? Am I the carrot that seems strong, but with pain and adversity do I wilt and become soft and lose my strength?

Am I the egg that starts with a malleable heart, but changes with the heat? Did I have a fluid spirit, but after a death, a breakup, a financial hardship or some other trial, have I become hardened and stiff? Does my shell look the same, but on the inside am I bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and hardened heart?

Or am I like the coffee bean? The bean actually changes the hot water, the very circumstance that brings the pain. When the water gets hot, it releases the fragrance and flavor. If you are like the bean, when things are at their worst, you get better and change the situation around you. When the hour is the darkest and trials are their greatest do you elevate yourself to another level? How do you handle adversity? Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Nursing school's no smokers policy

Last night Cindy was later than ever coming home from Nursing school. As I have talked about before this particular nursing school is different than a regular college in that you don't "pick" your classes and times to be at school. This school starts at 8:00 AM and goes until 5:00 PM Monday through Friday. Cindy has always been home by five, many times even as early as one thirty, we just never know. In another couple weeks,clinicals at the hospital nearest the school will start and she will not be done until seven or so. For this reason Cindy only works weekends so it has not been a problem. Still though I was a little shaky yesterday when I had not heard from her( she calls as she is leaving to let me know what's going on so I can plan and we don't start eating dinner five minutes before she gets home )When she got home I casually asked why so late ?I was told that there was some commotion after lunch before classes resumed and six students ( Cindy was not included)were in open conference with teachers and administrators, which delayed the start of class. Cindy went on to tell me why these students initiated this meeting.It seems that there are a group of smokers in the class, who congregate outside during breaks.( Since Cindy doesn't smoke I understand why she wasn't involved ) IT seems that one of the administration was walking by as one student was smoking. The administrator reminded this student that there was a no smoking policy, which the woman accepted, but what the administrator said next had this woman and then all of the smokers fighting mad. The administrator went on to say that if this woman was still smoking she should immediately withdraw from the program while she could still get a small portion of her tuition back.The administrator reminded that at orientation, it was stated that the Hospital that Clinicals are being done at is a non smoking campus and that in addition to the run of the mill drug tests that many use, this facility also tests for nicotine. These smokers denied that this was ever said at orientation and obviously felt wronged. Especially since they are currently in the process of sending two or three a day to be drug tested. Cindy didn't know what had happened at the meeting, whether the school would gave them a week or so to quit smoking or what but felt sorry for these people.
I personally felt no pity because I was at orientation with Cindy back in May. She didn't have a drivers licence back then and each accepted student was allowed to bring someone with them anyway and since Cindy was only seventeen, they preferred me there. I remember this issue being discussed and I remember them informing everyone that a positive nicotine screen would cause you to be excluded from Clinicals and no clinicals equals failure. Cindy sort of recalled once I quoted what was said but said that she knew that it didn't pertain to her so she didn't give it much thought.
This became a family discussion as I finished dinner and we all sat at the table to eat. I feel that this is good because I am tired of going places in the rain, especially a hospital, doctors office, or other medical place and seeing a mass of people by the door huddled to stay warm and dry as they smoke. There is always the big old cloud that all , even those with lung problems,have to walk through to get medical attention. This has irked me for years. Worse yet,You go into the bathroom at one of these places to a smoke cloud, Not cool ! Furthermore, these people want to be nurses. Nurse's lift people, work in close contact with people , etc. Nobody wants to smell stale smoke as they are sick and being worked on. These woman are complaining that their rights are being infringed on but what about the rights of the sick ? I don't know what will happen here, if they will be given a chance to quit before clinicals start or if they will be given the option to sit out until the next class when they will have had time to quit or whether the school will simply stick to the rules to suspend them for a positive drug test. Either way, I support the Nurses should not smoke movement.

Friday, October 3, 2008

LA update

The competition fees have been paid as well as the T shirts ordered and paid for (souvenirs ya know !). The LA region has Michael and Robby on the list of competitors. I have even reserved our room at the hotel two weeks before their cut off for ISKF special rates ends. Reserving the room early was not necessarily my intent but when I was looking online to see when the cut off date was I noticed that the site only listed rooms with one king sized bed as available. Even though we are getting a special rate, booking two rooms( to accommodate 4 of us) was out of the question,so I called the hotel direct. I was told that one room with two double beds was available but it was not in the "karate block". Since they swore that only this one double room was available ( not sure I am buying it but...) I decided to book. Now the only thing left to do is book the flight. Of course we have to pack, prepare meals for Cindy while we are gone, and so on but the flight is the next and last BIG thing. The problem is that this will not be a cheap flight for the four of us so I am waiting for a check that is supposed to be here next week. As for now I am watching sales so that the moment I can afford it, I can pounce!
Everything has been falling into place thus far so I have faith that it will all work out.
We are all pretty excited about the trip as none of us have ever been to California. I wish that we could take a few days to sight see but that just isn't going to happen this trip as Mike's vacation and Robby and Michael's school days off are limited.Oh well I would rather give them this opportunity than just go on a vacation anyway. As anyone who knows me knows I am very proud of both boys and their ShotoKan accomplishments. Even if neither ever gets a Collage scholarship nor ever places in another tournament, I will always be proud of their accomplishments. The other day they stayed after class to work with their Sensei, who is not only going to LA as their coach, but will be competing himself. This may be premature, and I am sure you will hear it again but I would say Good Luck Michael & Robby but you guys don't need much luck. After all you have skill !