Thursday, September 18, 2008
Ike's remnents
Yesterday about four thirty PM, My parents called to let me know that after less than three hours short of three days of no power nor running water, they were restored. They still have some damage to their home where tree limbs fell but they are OK and things can start to go back to normal. Also as of this morning there was only one school in the tri county area that was closed due to no power. Thankfully most in the area have seemed to get through. Thankfully, the only remnants around here are sinus infections. Michael has been complaining since Sunday but this morning a nasty nose bleed that wouldn't stop, told us that there was something going on. He still went to school so I will see when he gets home how things went and if he needs medical attention or not. I also seem to have picked up a sinus infection. Usually these don't phase me too much but this one has had me in a fetal position holding a swollen ear as I whimper in pain. Thankfully the doctor agreed to see me today but not until late afternoon. I have not had an ear infection of this magnitude since early childhood and pray that I never have another.So if any of you have an extra prayer slot, we sure would appreciate it.