So today is Ground Hog day. I wouldn't have remembered this except that Mike mentioned that they might be having a Pot luck party at work today. Turns out that they didn't ( too many people promising to bring Road kill ( groundhog ) stew, I guess) Anyway I didn't catch the live broadcast of the groundhog coming out so I guess I will have to rely on Doppler radar for my weather forecast. Don't get me wrong, I am as much for the cutsie stuff as the rest of them but honestly, a groundhog predicting our weather ? I just can't quite get a grip on .Maybe I just don't understand . Is it that if he sees his shadow we have six more weeks of winter or vise versa? Here in Ohio it doesn't really seem to matter. Though we have had some mild winters lately, Spring is never here until at least six weeks from February second anyway. So why do people get so excited ? Maybe we all just need more excitement in our lives. Maybe it is just me. I do remember years ago ( fifteen or sixteen years ago I think ) Mike's Grandmother, God Bless her soul, went on a bus trip to Pennsylvania to see Punxsutawney Phil come out and make his prediction. She sent Cindy (her only great grandchild at the time) a post card which Cindy carried in her pudgy toddler hands for days before it got destroyed. I guess that this day will always have special meaning to Cindy because of it. Maybe that is the key. We should make the most of every day, no matter how silly it may seem, who knows the memories may make it the best "holiday" ever.