Christmas preparations have brought back a memory, of a few years ago, that still brings a smile to my face.
Robby had a classmate who had stopped believing in Santa Clause and was on a mission to spread his opinion to everyone around him. In his quest he ran into Robby.
" Robby guess what" he asked " There is no Santa Clause ."
Robby replied " No Santa ? No way, where do you think all the presents come from?"
Having it all figured out, the boy replied" Your Mom and Dad buy them with their Christmas bonuses" he informed Rob. " What is a Christmas bonus?" Robby asked? " It is money that your parent's bosses give to them at Christmas time" " For what? Robby asked" Just because it's Christmas" the boy replied." Yea right" stated Robby, "Like any boss would give you money for nothing ! Get real.... There has to be a Santa Clause !"
Oh he of great faith in Santa and little in the American business owner !