Robby's schools annual magazine sale started last week. I personally have always liked this fundraiser as it is actually selling a product that someone may want. I for one hate when any kids ( especially mine) come to me with a brochure full of ten dollar a roll wrapping paper , praying that I will buy some so that they can "earn" a dollar store trinket. In the fourteen years that I have had kids in school two of my favorite fundraisers have been Market day ( though the food is priced considerably higher than say Sam's club, at least it is something that we will use) and The magazine sale.
While flipping through the magazine order book I seen the double your order clause. This little gem will double the amount sold if the orders are turned in by a certain day. This seemed like a good idea so I decided that was the way to go. Unfortunately I didn't realize how early I had to have my order ready. I realized Sunday that Monday was the day so I sat down to decide.
The kids love Nickelodeon magazine so that was a no brainer but I needed three more for Robby to have a chance at a Money drawing. I thought I could turn to Mike but it turns out that Max PC through this company does not include the demo discs which Mike would not be happy to give up for a year. He also mentioned Model railroader but the price through this company is considerably more than an offer that we got in the mail. I asked Cindy about Seventeen ( which she got last time) to be told that she liked it but really wanted Mad Magazine , which of course was not offered. Finally I decided to renew my Family Circle,and try Family fun , which I have read in the doctor's office and was impressed with the wonderful, easy crafts. I needed one more.... I looked and looked and there it was.... For the first time this company has added Faith and Family. Though I have never read this magazine, I hear a lot about it in other blogs and from other people. Yes, my list was complete. I filled out the forms , wrote a check and sent them in. This was the last I thought about it until last night when Mike asked what magazine I ended up getting for him. Ummmm I didn't, was my reply. I agreed to order his Max PC with demo discs online. Cindy then asked if I ordered Seventeen since Mad was not available. I told her no that she said she didn't want it . After a Short discussion, I agreed to buy Mad online but informed the family that we were done with a capital D. I am now a hundred fifty dollars poorer and will be bombarded by magazines in a few short months. Maybe I should have just spent ten dollars on some sponge Bob wrapping paper !
While flipping through the magazine order book I seen the double your order clause. This little gem will double the amount sold if the orders are turned in by a certain day. This seemed like a good idea so I decided that was the way to go. Unfortunately I didn't realize how early I had to have my order ready. I realized Sunday that Monday was the day so I sat down to decide.
The kids love Nickelodeon magazine so that was a no brainer but I needed three more for Robby to have a chance at a Money drawing. I thought I could turn to Mike but it turns out that Max PC through this company does not include the demo discs which Mike would not be happy to give up for a year. He also mentioned Model railroader but the price through this company is considerably more than an offer that we got in the mail. I asked Cindy about Seventeen ( which she got last time) to be told that she liked it but really wanted Mad Magazine , which of course was not offered. Finally I decided to renew my Family Circle,and try Family fun , which I have read in the doctor's office and was impressed with the wonderful, easy crafts. I needed one more.... I looked and looked and there it was.... For the first time this company has added Faith and Family. Though I have never read this magazine, I hear a lot about it in other blogs and from other people. Yes, my list was complete. I filled out the forms , wrote a check and sent them in. This was the last I thought about it until last night when Mike asked what magazine I ended up getting for him. Ummmm I didn't, was my reply. I agreed to order his Max PC with demo discs online. Cindy then asked if I ordered Seventeen since Mad was not available. I told her no that she said she didn't want it . After a Short discussion, I agreed to buy Mad online but informed the family that we were done with a capital D. I am now a hundred fifty dollars poorer and will be bombarded by magazines in a few short months. Maybe I should have just spent ten dollars on some sponge Bob wrapping paper !