Thursday, March 15, 2007

Why I feel dehydrated

Tuesday was seventy degrees here in Boardman Ohio, Wednesday was sixty five, so you can imagine my shock this morning when I opened the door at 5:15 to let the dogs out and we were getting blasted with thirty degrees and freezing rain. I felt bad for Cindy as she has to be at the road at 6:50 or her bus doesn't even slow down, so after I got Mike fed and off to work I pulled the Aztek up to the road and sat with her until we seen the bus. All worked out well until all three kids were gone to school and I thought I was on my time now. As I debated what to grab for breakfast and poured myself a glass of cherry water the phone rang. It was Robby, seems that he forgot his folder on the table. I quickly got dressed, scraped the frozen rain off the car windows and was on my way to the school. The roads were icy and traffic was slow but soon I had delivered the folder and was back home. As I went to pick up my cherry water, the phone rang. The doctor's office was on the other end telling me that their report for the insurance company from Mike's accident was ready. I thanked them and started to put my shoes on. One my way out the door, I noticed Clancy whining by the back door. I left him out . While I waited for him, I turned on the TV. Seems the cable was out so I called the company. While I was on hold Clancy scratched at the door and I let him in. Fifteen minutes later the cable company thanked me for calling and vowed to have my problem fixed shortly. I ran out the door , scraped the ice off my windows, and was on my way to the doctors. Traffic was moving a little better now and soon I was back home. I was terribly thirsty so I entered the house and went straight to my glass of cherry water. I took a drink but the ice had melted and the carbonation was gone. I dumped it in the sink and turned to get another bottle out of the fridge when the phone rang again. I shut the refrigerator door and answered the phone as I put my cup in the dish washer. Just so happens I was not thirsty after all.