As planned Robby tested for his Orange Belt last evening and He Passed ! I apologise for not having a picture to post but he was the only one testing yesterday so it was done between class segments ( instead of the more formal group testings ) at the Dojo. Mike did video tape the test but no still pictures were taken. Immediately after the test , class resumed. Robby did not even find out that he passed until class was over. Robby didn't seem to mind the waiting but it almost killed me. After the testing, Sensei David explains what the student did well and what still needs work . Then class resumes . Usually with color (lower) belts the outcome of whether there is an advancement or not and how much of an advancement is disclosed after class. ( in group testings they are disclosed openly, starting with the lowest current ranking student at the end of testing ,while all who were tested are lined up ) Testing is done in one of these ways until a student is ready to test for black belt which is a complete other procedure. Anyway, Robby knows the procedure so he didn't seem to stress, but I was another story. As I listened to Sensei David tell him some things that still needed work ( he had a few but that is why he was hoping for orange and not brown ) I got all stressed out. It sounded like so much ( Of course even Black belt's have room for improvement). I was so happy to hear that 7B ( low orange belt) at the end that I could have screamed.
Isn't it weird how something like this which is honestly teeny tiny in the scheme of life , can affect a parent so much? Be honest, how many have ever found yourself in a similar position? I have seen parents getting escorted off the field at hometown football games after confronting a ref who made a call against their child. I have witnessed severely heated parent teacher conferences. How about parents and coaches in shouting matches ? Wrong as it may be, I understand. At least I pride myself on stressing quietly.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
A long time coming
On Tuesday after I had been at the hospital all morning, I got home in time to talk to Mike on his way home from work. Suddenly Mike informed me that his passenger's window in his car would not go up. Once home he discovered that he needed to replace some parts. ( only $150 worth ) I offered to take Robby to karate , drop Cindy at her open house so she could pick up her schedule, go back and pick up Robby followed by picking up Cindy so he could do what he needed. When I arrived back at karate it was a few minutes until the end of class so I sat outside of the class for a few minutes. One of the first things that I heard was Sensei David telling someone ( I assumed Robby ) that until he fixed something, he would not advance to the next belt. Since David had mentioned that Robby would probably test today ( Thursday) my heart sank for him. He has been trying so hard since he started almost two years ago against some developmental difficulties and endless ear problems and surgeries that have messed with his equilibrium big time. Anyway I felt bad but it is out of my hands so I offered it up and moved on. Finally class ended . As Robby was putting on his shoes I tried to hurry him up as I was parked behind another family who were quite adamant in sharing that they needed to leave because they were already late for something or another. I almost got to my car when Sensei David called out " DIANE" I turned as did Cheyenne.(a student ) He yelled to me " Test on Thursday" " Wonderful "I answered.Here it was not Robby at all that he was talking to earlier. So tonight Robby will test and hopefully earn his orange belt.I would wish him Good Luck but as a High school friend's Dear Mother used to tell us, You don't need luck when you have skill !
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Update on Mom
I just got home from the hospital and wanted to let all know that Mom did well in her over four hour surgery. Everything went as planned and she should be home tomorrow . Thanks to all for the prayers, we truly appreciate them.
Another Update
Mom got home today ( Wednesday) I had two doctor's appointments so did not get over to see her but talked to Dad on the phone and am told that she is doing well
Monday, August 27, 2007
Monday oh Monday
Today has been such a hectic day here. First I had to cancel a couple doctor's appointments for tomorrow and reschedule for another time. Then I had to take Cindy to her doctor's appointment. Followed by trying to call Robby's new school to see when we could pick up his schedule and help him find his homeroom .We missed orientation as it was at the same time as Michael's surgery. Finally we just gave up on anyone answering the phone and showed up. I was not met with much welcome but I got done what I needed to. During this task Mom called my cell to tell me that they moved her surgery to a five AM arrival and seven AM surgery. Cindy offered to walk Robby through the school ( she knew it better that I anyway) as I talked to Mom finding out that Grandma was being checked into the nursing home this morning. ( Please continue to pray for this one that it goes as smoothly as possible ) Soon after Cindy and Robby came out, I dropped Robby at home and took Cindy to find a outfit for her upcoming interview. Though we made three stops we finally found the perfect suite and at a price that I can't complain about. We didn't get the shoes yet but that can be easily done as the suite is black with a white shell . I just got home and should be starting dinner but I am not quite sure what we are having so I am thinking as I type. As I think my mind drifts off... What did I do before I was a Wife and Mom? I must have been constantly bored !
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Due to Michael's surgery we have decided to stay at home and let him relax today. He is doing quite well with this foot surgery. Though he is sleeping more ( Tylenol 3 works better on him than Vicoden or Darvacet did) he seems to be taking less pain medication in general and is quite content most of the time to lay in the living room and play X box. All three kids have realized that this will be their last week of Summer vacation. This realization has them bummed out though Cindy is excited to get through this school year and graduate. Robby is also mildly excited about going to middle school. As for me I wish we had a bit longer. I , unlike most Mother's, love having the kids home for the summer, but I will get over my sadness. I don't think we will make the fair this year as Michael probably will not be up to it , but we didn't make it last year either and nobody seemed to mind. I guess that once you have season passes for a host of amusement parks, the county fair is just not the thrill that it used to be. Looking at the calendar shows quite a few doctor visits not to mention Mom's surgery anyway.For those who wanted a specific time her surgery is scheduled for ten AM on Tuesday. Thank you all in advance for your prayers.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Robby's eleventh Birthday
Here are some pictures from Aug. 22nd, the day after Robby's birthday when we had his first cake. Nanny and Pops surprised him today with another but I have not even thought about uploading them yet .
Grilled chicken breast w/ spaghetti Alfredo but not the long spaghetti
the twisty ones
and of course no veggies :-)
Friday, August 24, 2007
Michael is back from surgery
Just an update to let everyone know that Michael is out of surgery and home. Everything went well . He is in another huge plaster cast ( same as before) and on three different meds for pain anti inflammatory , and an antibiotic. I am typing while he eats a bowl of chicken noodle soup so excuse the rush. Just wanted to let all know.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Still no pictures
I intended to post some pictures from Kings Island and Robby's birthday today but Mike took the camera cards to work with him hoping to have time to empty them on the laptop. Since tomorrow is Michael's surgery, It will probably be at least Saturday when I get them posted. I have received a couple E mails asking the time of surgery so that some friends and relatives can pray during it. We have to be at the surgical center at five forty five AM and I believe that he is scheduled to go into the OR at seven thirty. Thanks in advance to all who are praying as well as all who are helping in any way. We truly appreciate it !
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Quote from Precious Moments Inspiration E mail
Your true character is revealed by the clarity of your convictions,
the choices you make, and the promises you keep.
Hold strongly to your principles and refuse to follow the currents of convenience.
What you say and do defines who you are.
And who you are forever.
Picturse are coming
I have not quite gotten to downloading my camera cards on the computer but had to share some details of our trip . We were truly blessed as the weather forecast predicted rain the whole trip and this was evident the whole way there but once we got to the park the sun shined. All day it shined and though the temperature was very hot we all welcomed the sunshine. As we left the park that night for the hotel it sprinkled a bit. The next morning as we left the hotel for another day in the park we saw a couple puddles from rain the night before. Again the forecast was for rain and there were dark clouds over the park, the water park was even closed for a time due to severe thunderstorm warnings but again they gave way to sunshine.It wasn't until we left the park an hour before closing that it stormed and poured rain. As we left the hotel for home it poured most of the way home. As I stated in a previous post, I truly believe that God planned this trip for us when he allowed Michael to get out of his cast early and it was amazing how he kept the weather nice for us . It is just another reminder that God is in control.
Back to Reality
Usually coming home from a couple days away is truly welcome as I tend not to sleep on hotel beds, get frazzled with constant adventures, and do not eat well balanced foods that I would serve my family at home . Why is it then that my stomach knotted up as I started to see signs nearing home ? Maybe it is because I know what is coming. First off Michael is scheduled first thing Friday morning for his surgery. Though this surgery is necessary for a normal life for him and we have made it through the other foot being done, It signifies the end of summer which bums me out big time. This thought was bad enough but calling my Mom to let her know that I was back led to me finding out that four days after Michael she goes in for her surgery. Unlike Michael's Mom's surgery is very risky. Since last August when she first had her carotid artery cleaned out it only took nine months for it to fill again. This only happens two percent of the time and complicates things quite a bit. There are a couple options for the surgeons of these people and Mom's has chosen to remove a vein from her leg and attach it to bypass the artery completely. From the sounds of things this is her best option. Please join me in prayer for the success and quick recovery of both Michael and Mom.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Happy Birthday Robby !
Happy eleventh birthday Robby. Even though your day has been filled with us driving home from Kings Island and finally arriving here only to be told that you need to get ready for karate so you can test soon ,doesn't sound like much of a birthday celebration . But it is in fact your day. Happy Birthday ! I promise a cake and a present tomorrow.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Looks like Kings island this weekend
Amazingly, the hotel is booked, and though our regular dog boarding kennel is full we have booked another. Things are falling into place and it actually looks as though this trip may work out. Hopefully I will have some pictures to post when we get back. Don't miss me too much !
Friday, August 17, 2007
Poor Cindy
In anticipation of a car( hopefully) soon, Cindy has picked out the following vanity plate

Thursday, August 16, 2007
First of all the check that I had to cash this morning cashed at the bank from which it was drawn with no problem. I was already to have a problem but was so relieved when all went well.
Secondly I have an update on my Grandmother. I guess that the ER doctors at the hospital the other night failed to realize that the ambulance gave Grandma an IV which contained Glucose. It seems that though several of Grandma's children take turns taking her meals when the daughter who she lives with is working, Grandma has not been eating. We are not sure whether she is not feeling hungry or whether she is just not thinking about it but her meals are not getting eaten . As most are aware this creates a major problem for an insulin dependant diabetic. Due to this current problem and her age the doctor wants her to have round the clock care . No one is thrilled about a nursing home ( especially her) but the doctor is pushing that route at least temporarily. Please continue to pray for the best on this matter.
Secondly I have an update on my Grandmother. I guess that the ER doctors at the hospital the other night failed to realize that the ambulance gave Grandma an IV which contained Glucose. It seems that though several of Grandma's children take turns taking her meals when the daughter who she lives with is working, Grandma has not been eating. We are not sure whether she is not feeling hungry or whether she is just not thinking about it but her meals are not getting eaten . As most are aware this creates a major problem for an insulin dependant diabetic. Due to this current problem and her age the doctor wants her to have round the clock care . No one is thrilled about a nursing home ( especially her) but the doctor is pushing that route at least temporarily. Please continue to pray for the best on this matter.
What a day !
Since I have an appointment with the bank at eight thirty this morning, I can't go back to bed . Because of this , my lucky readers, I have decided to tell you about my day yesterday. Actually I will start with Tuesday night . Before karate Mike and I went to look at the car that Cindy found the night before. Mike and I took it for a test drive and though it needed a CV joint replaced, new brakes and tires, and a few other minor problems, we decided that Mike was quite capable to fix it up for her and since the price was right and it had low miles we agreed to buy it . I went to the bank before Mike got home and was ready to go when he got here. We did not tell Cindy that we were purchasing it so it would be a surprise. All went well, the papers were signed and we were on our way. We drove the car to My parents when Mike noticed a few problems that he didn't before. One being that the odometer didn't work. I guess that explained why the mileage was low. Mike called the salesman and explained the problem but was told that he would have to await a call in the morning. We decided that the car was going back. Luckily the guy's shop is next to his home so we were able to talk with him. After a few moments of Mike and him discussing the problems and how it"could" be fixed, I asked for a refund. The man agreed but had night dropped our cash and had to issue a company check. (Which is why I have a date with the bank this morning) We accepted the check and pray that it cashes and that this is the end of this adventure. Now though I am nervous about car shopping . Just wonderful since Cindy also finally got her permit yesterday and desperately wants a car now. We thought that we were off the hook when My dad gave her a car a couple years ago but after setting for a couple years without being driven it needs more work now than Mike is wanting to do . I am sure that it will all work out in the end and maybe twenty years from now I will tell my grand kids the story of their Mom's almost first car.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
It's not Miracle Monday but I got a miracle !
My miracle is not earth shattering but is none the less a miracle. As I stated in an earlier post Michael was supposed to get his cast off on the twenty first , three short days before his next surgery. This was posing a great problem in getting to Kings Island without having him in a cast and though I was determined, it was looking bleak. My miracle came yesterday in the realization that Michael had gotten his cast wet and that it was falling apart . I took him in to the doctor's today ready to get a new cast when the doctor who was covering for ours, who is on vacation, decided to take pity on us and not put on another cast. Michael and I both promised to keep his air boot on his foot except when he is sleeping or in water and we were on our way. Since Michael can now walk on his foot and even get it wet we can now go to Kings Island this weekend and not use as much of Mike's vacation time plus we can spend a couple hours in the water park as well as swim in the hotel pool. Again I am reminded that God is in control even when I am beating my head against the wall. Someday I will learn to trust and have faith.... Until then I ask God's patience and forgiveness.
Prayers please
As yesterday's post may have conveyed, I was trapped in a rather stressful morning. Unfortunately , stressful mornings tend to turn into stressful days and this was no exception. As the kids and I were running errands to the small Mennonite pantry shop where I get my lunch meats, paying on my new stove lay a way at Sheeley's, Paying the water bill down town, and a host of other stops that I would have rather not had to do, My Dad called and left a message. It seems that I told him that the kids would mow his lawn Monday afternoon and forgot completely about it. It all worked out because he was calling to ask if we could make it later . I guess that Mom is starting to feel dizzy quite a bit now due to her clogged carotid artery and is still in the process of getting the cardiologist to OK the surgery as well as trying to clear up a infected tooth before she undergoes this risky surgery. Thankfully Dad is now retired and able to help out so yesterday he took Mom's place in watching my brother's children. Things worked out fine and Dad came over at five thirty to pick up Cindy. About half an hour after they left Cindy's cell phone was calling. Thankfully they were not in an accident or anything but she wanted to ask Mike to go look at a car that they seen for sale. While they were on cell phones Dad called on the home phone. I answered to him asking if I could pick Cindy up as they just got a call that my ninety year old Grandmother was just rushed to the hospital. I was on my way without asking questions but later found out that she has been having spells that everyone thought were diabetes related. However once at the hospital her glucose levels were fine. The hospital staff concluded that Grandma is probably going through the natural processes that occur near the end of life. Please if you would keep Grandma, her eleven children, twenty seven ( plus more by marriages) grandchildren , and many many great grandchildren plus a few great greats in your prayers.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Did you know that the Red Cross offers a canine CPR class?
I have mentioned before that Cindy is trying to secure a job in a Veterinary clinic as part of her vocational education this coming school year. The clinic which she aspires to work at has proven, to past students, to be rough to get into. Cindy has been told that her chances are not as good as she would hope but has insisted on trying. So far it looks pretty good for her as her job shadowing report was the best that her instructor has seen in her many years of teaching, but the battle is not won yet. Before her interview, Cindy's instructor has dropped some suggestions . One of which was a canine CPR class. I didn't know that these were available but they sure are and are well attended I guess. Cindy took her class yesterday and came home with some interesting facts . One is that human ice cream contains a parasite that though not at all harmful to humans destroys canine brain cells. Though my current Cocker Spaniels will not eat ice cream, my previous ones all loved it. All of my friends and family also feed their dogs ice cream on a regular basis . Nobody has ever mentioned that this may not be a good idea. Brewster's and Handles even offer doggy cones or sundaes. Amazing. I plan to ask my vet about this at our next appointment. Until then I think I will try to find time to read the manual and see what else I may be doing to hurt my beloved family members.
Doing my best to give these kids a trip !
I got the call this morning that Michael's surgery is scheduled for August twenty fourth at five forty five AM. His cast should come off the other foot on August twenty first at five o'clock PM . So I figure that we will leave for Kings Island ( a eight hour drive) at two or three AM on August twenty second. Get there at about the time that the park opens. Spend all day in the park. Stay the night at a local hotel. Then head home on the twenty third, just in time to sleep a couple hours before Michael is due at the surgical center on the twenty fourth. Sounds rushed but due to Michael being in a cast most of the summer as well as a host of other little things that have cropped up along the way, it is our only chance to get there before it closes for the season without Michael having a cast on which prevents him from riding most of the rides not to mention the water park. Since this plan has been conjured up in my mind , it has already been threatened twice in just two hours. The next phone call that I got was from Cindy's doctor's office who had to cancel her appointment later this week and wanted to reschedule on the twenty third. Since if the Delphi tentative agreement passes this weekend,, we will loose our good insurance October first, I was between the proverbial rock and hard place on what to do. I pleaded for another appointment before October but all seems booked I was told. I told the girl that I would call back and hung up almost in tears. Luckily another opening was found and I was called with the good news. I breathed a sigh of relief only to realize that I needed to make a couple more appointments and that doing things this way will eat most of Mike's vacation time leaving no room for even emergencies. What to do? Normally I would not even think of a trip , even this small of one, under these conditions but it has been such a stressful summer with doctor appointments, two of three kids having surgeries , and a whole host of other road blocks, that I will not bore you with. Plus we hold the tickets so this park visit would not cost us anything besides gas and one night in a hotel . Will this trip actually happen? Only the Lord knows for sure , but if it doesn't nobody can blame me.
Friday, August 10, 2007
We got Music !
Thanks to mum2twelve I have been able to add some of my favorite songs to the blog. If you wish to check out some of my music choices( that were available from this site ) scroll all the way to the bottom of the page. Every song will automatically play one after another unless you click on another. Then it will start from there. I didn't have much time so I only put a few of my favorites on but intend to add more as time and availability permit.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Add Maytag( OK Frigidaire ) Repair man
After only a year and a half to two years of service, my HE washer would not drain. It started gradually at first the clothes would come out a little damper than usual then recently we would have to literally wring the water out of them. I couldn't believe that it was time to buy a new washer already. The man at the store assured me that this was a great washer. Even my old style one lasted sixteen years. Maybe in five years it could have required a couple new parts but not this early. As busy as Mike is he said he would take a look at it so last night at about seven, he headed for the basement. I had some errands to run so I left Cindy to help as needed and was on my way. When I got home Cindy told me that there was a bunch of lint in some pump.Later Mike came up to say that he found tweezers, scissors, lint and a whole host of other things in the pump ( Cindy tends to wash whatever is in pockets with clothing )and he feared that the pump had been burned due to all these foreign objects. I nodded and agreed to call the parts department in the morning to see what a new pump would cost . Mike went back down and at ten o'clock he came back up with a smile and a plastic disposable dental flosser in his hand. Here is the problem he said ! I guess this flosser got caught in some part that spins and got lodged disabling the spinning of this fan type thing that lets the washer spin the water out . ( Hope I didn't get too technical there :-) Thank you I smiled.Mike smiled back as he asked " what do you think a repairman would have charged for this one?" I can only imagine ! Thank God that Mike has a knack for fixing things around here. Now we will have to add Frigidaire repair man to his long, ever growing list of abilities . Thank you Mike for all that you do for us. We love you !
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
We are definetly expecting puppies !
Clarissa had an ultrasound at her vet appointment today. Since she is only thirty three days along we were not able to get an x ray showing an exact puppy count ( this can be done at forty five days ) . We were, however able to confirm that she is expecting by her ultrasound which showed at least two tiny puppies. Dr. Tom assured us that all looks very well and that she is in fact in peak condition for this. We have been holding back from getting too excited, but now that we know we can celebrate.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Never fails !
Why is it that though it has not rained here in weeks or even months that it pours on the day of the family reunion soaking a few nameless kids as they played with cousins that they rarely see ?
Furthermore, why is it that though I have bought three items on E bay on three different days and Mike has ordered Hot Wheels on yet another day and they all come on the second day in a row that it has poured?
At least I don't have to water the flower bed now !
One proud Mom
Saturday when I took Clancy and Clarissa for their grooming appointment , I mentioned that we suspect that Clarissa may be expecting puppies soon so that they could expect the unexpected of her ( she has not been as friendly with other dogs as in the past )and just be careful as they lifted her etc. They noted her chart and checked their charts for the proper number to call when the dogs were finished and I was on my way to run errands. They must have been extra careful as it took a significantly longer time than usual. When I walked in I was informed that they they would bet that she was expecting as she was showing all of the signs. I have not experienced the breeding of dogs since my beagle had multiple litters of puppies when I was a child so I do not remember much. After a couple minutes one lady asked what we planned to do with the puppies, as she was looking for one and loved the quality of ours' coats, temperament, etc. I told her we would talk once the puppies were born. I left feeling really good about this. There is no shortage of cocker spaniel puppies in the area which we live so for a person who works with dogs every day to want one of ours was very flattering. I mentioned this to Mike and he seemed shocked that I felt so flattered. We take good care of them and keep them healthy he said. For the most part they are great dogs. The more I thought about this the more that I did give us both credit. Not only are we raising some great kids but we are doing pretty well with the dogs too. Sometimes the vocation of wife and mother is so stressful that you don't see the fruit of your labor that others do. This has gotten me thinking, maybe next time I see a well behaved child in the grocery store I will compliment the parents, who knows , they just may need to hear it .
Friday, August 3, 2007
Thursday, August 2, 2007
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